About Us

Name Surname & Date of Birth: Alpaslan KAYA, 07/04/1975
Place of Birth: Istanbul, Republic of TURKEY
University: Florida Metropolitian University, Bachelor of Science Associates in Marketing Managment (1998)
High School: Bogaziçi Koleji, Istanbul (1994)
Partner and Board Member of the following companies:
Koçkaya Holding A.Ş.
Kale Ticari ve Mali Yatıtımlar A.Ş.
More about the Consulate :
Alpaslan Kaya is the Honorary Consul for Kocaeli. The Consulate is located at Istanbul Caddesi No 5 Gebze 41420, Kocaeli, Republic of Turkey.
Appointments are required. You can make an appointment by calling +90.262.743 48 90 or by emailing us at mission@hunconsulate.org
The Consulate is open on Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 am to 16:00 pm.
Consular Services:
▪ Authentication of signature
▪ Authentication of documents
▪ General information and application forms
Jurisdiction: Kocaeli – Bursa – Bilecik – Sakarya .
Contact Info:
Honorary Consulate of Hungary
Istanbul Caddesi No 5 Gebze 41420, Kocaeli, Republic of Turkey.
Telephone: +90.262.743 4890
Fax: +90.744 1275
Email: mission@ hunconsulate.org
Quick Links:
Embassy of Hungary
General Consulate of Hungary
Follow Us on Social Media:
Twitter: @HCHungary
Instagram: @ConsulHungary
Facebook: /hun.consul